Fast tracking feasibility study for Prospect Reservoir

By Annie Wang | Dr Hugh McDermott MP | 0422 975 889 and Skye Tito | Minister Jackson | 0422 630 099

21 August 2023

Rose Jackson
Minister for Water, Minister for Housing, Minister for Mental Health
Minister for Youth, Minister for the North Coast

Dr Hugh McDermott MP
State Member for Prospect

Western Sydney is on the path to having a new go-to water destination, with the NSW Government starting work on a feasibility study that will look at opening Prospect Reservoir up for recreation in a phased approach.

The NSW Government is asking the community to have their say and have released a discussion paper with an overview of some of the recreational possibilities being considered for Prospect Reservoir.

There will also be local drop in sessions and information webinars hosted throughout the month of September 2023 to provide more opportunities for the community to get involved.

A key outcome for this feasibility study is to understand how the area could be best managed to balance the opportunities for increased recreation whilst protecting Sydney’s drinking water supply and the significant environmental and cultural values of the area.

There are already dams across the state used for both town water supply and recreation, including Chifley Dam near Bathurst and Brogo Dam on the South Coast. This study acknowledges Prospect Reservoir is an important part of Sydney’s drinking water supply and will explore how we can expand the use of the reservoir for the community. Minister for Water, Rose Jackson said:

“We promised Western Sydney residents we would prioritise this project and that’s what we’re doing by fast tracking the feasibility study."

“If it stacks up, it could pave the way for a new spot to swim and relax only a short drive from Blacktown, 20 minutes from Cabramatta and Badgerys Creek and 15 minutes from Parramatta."

“The COVID lockdowns were a wake-up call. You had eastern suburbs residents who had beaches and pools within a 5km radius, but most people in the western suburbs didn’t have any options for taking a dip while travel restrictions were in place."

“We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to drive this project forward to start the feasibility study and we


Quotes attributable to Dr Hugh McDermott MP: State Member for Prospect:

“For Western Sydney families, getting to the beach means expensive tolls, long hours in a car or on public transport and extensive time spent away from home or work. Opening up the Prospect Reservoir would be a huge win for our local community."

 “Prospect Reservoir is one of Sydney’s most beautiful public places and it would be a game changer for families in the west if we were able to open it up for swimming and non-motorised watercraft."

 “Getting these feasibility studies right takes time, so we won’t have an answer overnight, but we are looking at all options that would enable us to turn the reservoir into a public space that would benefit the community for many generations."

” A dedicated webpage is now live to give the community an opportunity to have their say and get involved".
